Daniel Paulusma's Homepage
Professor, Head of the Algorithms and Complexity research group (ACiD)
I was an Assistant Professor at the University of Twente (2001-2004) where I obtained my PhD degree in 2001 and Master's degree in 1997. I moved to Durham in 2004, where I had positions as Lecturer
(2004-2011), Senior Lecturer (2011-2013) and Reader (2013-2015) before becoming Professor in 2015. I was Director of Research for the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences (2014-2017).
My first main interest lies in structural and algorithmic graph theory. In particular I consider the computational complexity of graph problems under input restrictions. I have written several survey papers on this topic:
V.B. Le, F. Lucke, D. Paulusma and B. Ries, Maximizing matching cuts, Encyclopedia of Optimization, to appear
M. Johnson, B. Martin, J.J. Oostveen, S. Pandey, D. Paulusma, S. Smith and E. J. van Leeuwen, Complexity framework for forbidden subgraphs I: The framework, Algorithmica
87 (2025) 429-464
K.K. Dabrowski, M. Johnson and D. Paulusma,
Clique-width for hereditary graph classes,
London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 456 (2019) 1-56
P.A. Golovach, M. Johnson, D. Paulusma and J. Song,
A survey on the computational complexity of colouring graphs with forbidden subgraphs,
Journal of Graph Theory 84 (2017) 331-363
D. Paulusma,
Open problems on graph coloring for special graph classes,
Proc. WG 2015,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9224 (2015) 16-30
My second main interest lies in cooperative game theory, in particular matching games related to kidney exchange; see also our latest survey paper:
M. Benedek, P. Biro, M. Johnson, D. Paulusma and X. Ye, The complexity of matching games: A survey, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 77 (2023) 459-485
Here is a full list of my papers;
see also my profiles on Google Scholar and dblp.
Preprints of many of my papers are available on arXiv; see here for a complete list of my preprints.
- Algorithmic Meta-classifications for Graph Containment, Leverhulme Trust RPG-2024-182, 2025-28, PI
- Modern Graph Width Parameters: from Structure to Algorithms, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Research in Groups Grant, 2025, CI
- KidneyAlgo: New Algorithms for UK and International Kidney Exchange, EPSRC EP/X01357X/1, Joint Project with
David Manlove (project EP/X013618/1), 2023-2025, PI
Network Alignment and Matching, DSTL, Project with 4colors Ltd, 2023-2024
Balancing International Kidney Exchange,
Leverhulme Trust RF-2022-607, Research Fellowship, 2022-23, PI
- Graph Colouring: from Structure to Algorithms,
Royal Society IES\R1\191223, International Exchanges Grant with Hans Bodlaender, 2019-2022, PI
- The Complexity of Promise Constraint Satisfaction, EPSRC EP/R034516/1, 2018-2022, CI
- Graph Homomorphisms, London Mathematical Society, Research in Pairs Grant with Pawel Rzazewski, 2018, PI
- ALGOUK - A Network for Algorithms and Complexity in the UK, EPSRC EP/R005613/1, 2017-2020, CI
- The Price of Connectivity II, London Mathematical Society, Research in Pairs Grant with Martin Milanic, 2017, CI
- Efficient Graph Colouring Algorithms via Input Restrictions, Leverhulme Trust RPG-2016-258, 2016-2021, PI
- Complexity Aspects of Matching Games, Short Term Scientific Mission, COST Action IC1205, with Peter Biro, 2016
- The Price of Connectivity, London Mathematical Society, Research in Pairs Grant with Martin Milanic, 2014, PI
- Graph Colouring for Special Graph Classes, London Mathematical Society, Computer Science Small Grant with Dieter Kratsch, 2014, CI
- Detecting Induced Graph Patterns, EPSRC EP/K025090/1, 2013-2016, PI
- Coping with NP-Hardness: Parameterized and Exact algorithms, Royal Society JP100692, Joint Project with Fedor Fomin, 2011-2014, PI
- Exploiting Network Structure to Obtain Faster Algorithms, Institute of Advanced Study, Durham University, Sir Derman Christopherson / Sir James Knott Foundation Fellowship, 2011
- Algorithmic Aspects of Graph Coloring, EPSRC EP/G043434/1, 2009-2013, PI
- Structural Vulnerability Measures for Networks and Graphs, EPSRC EP/F064551/1, 2009-2012, PI from 2011
- Algorithmic Aspects of On-line Graph Coloring, Royal Society JP090172, Joint Project with Jiri Fiala, 2009-2011, PI
- Exact Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems, EPSRC EP/D053633/1, 2006-2010, PI
- ISAAC 2024 Best Paper Award for the paper
"Complexity framework for forbidden subgraphs II: Edge subdivision and the "H"-graphs" (doi),
with Vadim Lozin, Barnaby Martin, Sukanya Pandey, Mark Siggers, Siani Smith and Erik Jan van Leeuwen.
- ISAAC 2023 Best Paper Award for the paper "Matching cuts in graphs of high girth and H-free graphs" (doi),
with Carl Feghali, Felicia Lucke and Bernard Ries.
- Glover-Klingman Prize for the pair of papers "The Computational Complexity of Graph Contractions I, II", Networks, Volume 51, Issue 3, May 2008, pp. 178-189 (doi) and Volume 52, Issue 1, August 2008, pp. 32-56 (doi),
with Asaf Levin and Gerhard Woeginger.
Research Associates
PhD Students
- Yilin Li
- Tala Eagling-Vose
- Xin Ye
- Siani Smith, PhD, 2022
- Giacomo Paesani, PhD, 2021
- Anthony Stewart, PhD, 2017
- Carl Feghali, PhD, 2016
- Jian Song, PhD, 2013
- Pim van 't Hof, PhD, 2010
Visiting Research Students
Editorial Work
Conference Activities
- WG, SC chair
- GWP 2025 (Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2025), Organiser
- PCC 2025, Invited speaker
- Dagstuhl Seminar 25041, Organiser
- MATCH-UP 2024, PC member
- MFCS 2024, PC member
- CMID 2024, PC member
- Games and Graphs (ACiD Workshop) , Organiser
- IPEC 2023, PC member
- Liverpool Algorithms Days Invited speaker
- BGTC 2023, Invited speaker
- GWP 2023 (Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2023), Organiser
- WG 2023, PC chair
- CiE 2023, PC member
- STACS 2023, PC member
- SOFSEM 2023, PC member
- DIMAP Theory Day 2022, Invited speaker
- Dagstuhl Seminar 22481, Organiser
- GWP 2022 (Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2022), Organiser
- MFCS 2022, PC member
- GWP 2021 (Satellite Workshop of ICALP 2021), Organiser
- BCC 2021, Organiser
- Algorithmic Graph Theory (Minisymposium MS-ID54 of 8ECM), Organiser
- CiE 2020, PC member
- Algorithms UK 2019, Invited speaker
- WG 2019, PC member
- CiE 2019, PC chair, Organiser
- AAMAS 2019, SPC member
- BCTCS & ALGOUK 2019, Organiser
- BCC 2019, Invited speaker
- Dagstuhl Seminar 19271 Organiser
- SWAT 2018, PC member
- AAMAS 2018, SPC member
- IPEC 2018, PC member
- Cycles and Colourings 2017, Invited speaker
- CoopMAS 2017, PC member
- ATCAGC 2017, Organiser
- 100 Years of Matching Theory in Hungary, Invited speaker
- CoopMAS 2016, PC member
- AAIM 2016, PC member
- WG 2016, PC member
- CoopMAS 2015, PC member
- WG 2015, Invited speaker
- AGTAC 2015, PC member
- CoopMAS 2014, PC member
- AAIM 2014, PC member
- MFCS 2013, PC member
- CoopMAS 2013, PC member
- ACiD 2010, Organiser
- IWOCA 2009, PC member
- WG 2008, Organiser
- BCTCS 2008, Organiser
In 2024-2025 I teach the following module:
Lecture materials are on ultra (local access only).