Daniel Paulusma's Homepage


Address: Department of Computer Science
             Durham University
             Mathematical Sciences & Computer Science Building
             Upper Mountjoy Campus
             Stockton Road
             DH1 3LE

Office:   MCS 2064
Tel:       + 44 (0)191 33 41723
Email:   daniel.paulusma@durham.ac.uk

Professor, Head of the Algorithms and Complexity research group (ACiD)


I was an Assistant Professor at the University of Twente (2001-2004) where I obtained my PhD degree in 2001 and Master's degree in 1997. I moved to Durham in 2004, where I had positions as Lecturer (2004-2011), Senior Lecturer (2011-2013) and Reader (2013-2015) before becoming Professor in 2015. I was Director of Research for the School of Engineering and Computing Sciences (2014-2017).


My first main interest lies in structural and algorithmic graph theory. In particular I consider the computational complexity of graph problems under input restrictions. I have written several survey papers on this topic:

My second main interest lies in cooperative game theory, in particular matching games related to kidney exchange; see also our latest survey paper:

Here is a full list of my papers; see also my profiles on Google Scholar and dblp. Preprints of many of my papers are available on arXiv; see here for a complete list of my preprints.



Research Associates

PhD Students

Visiting Research Students

Editorial Work

Conference Activities


In 2024-2025 I teach the following module:

Lecture materials are on ultra (local access only).
